Jant Pharmacal
Accutest CS625 IFOBT Rapid Single Sample 25 Test Kit
Accutest CS625 IFOBT Rapid Single Sample 25 Test Kit
This product will be shipped directly from the manufacturer.
This product is intended for physician or medical professional office use. Please provide the practice, facility, or system name with any order for this product.
iFOBT stands for Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test
The Accutest® Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test is a rapid, qualitative, sandwich immunoassay for the determination of fecal occult blood in human stool sample by laboratories or physician offices
This test is a screening for human hemoglobin in the lower GI tract. iFOBT is a more accurate to screen for colon cancer. This test is Clia Waived and FDA Approved. It is useful to determine gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding found in a number of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, e.g., diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, and colorectal cancer.
Immunoassay test specific to human hemoglobin
Sensitivity 99.2%, Specificity 96.7%, Accuracy 98.3%
Cutoff is 50ng hHb/ml
Extended stability of sample in buffer solution
Increased Patient Compliance:
No dietary or drug restrictions necessary.
Easy to use:
Simple collection and test procedure
Rapid results
Medicare reimbursement is higher than the Guaiac card test. This is because the accuracy of this test reduces the number of unnecessary colonoscopies conducted.
Product contents:
25 testing wells
25 collection tubes with buffer solution
Physician only