How to Install Drive Medical Go-Lite Rollator Model 10215 Caster Forks

How to Install Drive Medical Go-Lite Rollator Model 10215 Caster Forks

Drive Medical part #10215F:

1. Put one bearing into the bottom fork bearing housing and tap into place.

2. Put one bearing into the top fork bearing housing and tap into place.

3. Slide the bearing cover onto the long end of the fork stem bolt.

4. Slide the large washer, followed by the small washer onto the fork stem bolt.

5. Slide the fork stem bolt with the washers through the top of the fork.

6. Install the fork stem bolt nut onto the fork stem and tighten. Tightening will seat the bearings in properly.

7. Place the lock washer onto the fork stem bolt and screw the fork stem bolt into the rollator.

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